Week 10
Simulation and analysis for the heating system model
After completing the heating system model, another necessary procedure is to test its performance via varies of tests. Based on the ASHP & Rad block, 5 sets of data has been tested for designed heating system,
the data vales are shown in Table below. The expression and analysis for results are mainly focus on ASHP,max, COP, HP, HW, Rad, Tin, Tw and Treturn. For all tests, the simulated time is 3600 seconds and integration starts from the 290 second. Meanwhile, the unit for temperature is Kelvin (K) and
for heat is Watts (W).
Test data for RIDE & Rad model
There are 4 tests in total have been simulated:
Test 1: the influence for initial value of external temperature
Test 2: the influence for initial value of room temperature
Test 3: relationship of internal heat transfer
Test 4: performance of heating system when integrated into IDEAS
The results shows that the value of COP, Max heat pump output and heat pump output are all vary with the change of outside temperature and room temperature. However, the value will be stable if other factors are stable or the target temperature is achieved. These results indicates the successful of the design of both heat pump and radiator system.
The heat transfer could be found from the temperature changes, which is shown in the table below:
However, according to the temperature tracking plots that has been shown below, the temperature is around the target value but not accurate enough. In other words, the temperature tracking is not stable, meanwhile, this phenomenon will becomes more obvious when integrating the heating system into IDEAS building model. A new controller system is needed for the heating system as well as series of debugging. That's the challenge for the next semester.