
Final Year Project (Week 3)

Week 3

Specification Report and Radiator system learning 

After a general studying of the project and several times discussion with my tutor. The project main tasks, milestones and deliverables has been explained at specification report, which is shown below.

Besides, The radiator system has been learned for this week; it is used to dissipating the heat that produced by ASHP component. This project use water-filled radiator and its basic structure as well as principle are shown in Figure as below. 

It is a single input single output (SISO) system; hence the input is hot water with temperature (Tin) and the output is warm water with a relative lower return temperature (Treturn).
The water is flowing in pipes, which has connected the ASHP component and several radi- ators into a closed loop. Figure that is shown below is an example for the configuration of two-pipe direct return system but the heat is produced by a boiler; its connection method is suit for the ASHP based heating system. 

For this project, I may take this kind of radiator system for ASHP heating system, while the significant point is the internal operation and heat transfer relationship of radiator. All of this will be researched and implemented on Simulink.